Monday 1 October 2012

Angel & Mortal - Words of Encouragement [T4W4 CE]

Step 1: 
Fold an origami envelope. This will be your 'letter box' for your Angel to drop notes.

Step 2: 
Decorate you envelope with your name. This will be placed at the back of the class, noticeboard.

Step 3: 
Write a note of encouragement for your Mortal. Please write responsibly.
Please do not let out a word to anyone on who your Mortal is.
T4W8 will be the scheduled revealing of Angels to the Mortals.
Meanwhile, do keep posting little messages to your Mortals, you're not restricted to any number.

What keeps this activity going would be the anonymity between the Angel and Mortal.
I'm sure everyone loves surprises! (:
I hope each and every Angel will bring cheery joy to their Mortals :D

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